YCC Logo Submissions

Campaign Design Submissions

Designs for the Year of Climate and Carbon Campaign were submitted by GLOBE students from around the world. These designs were intended to represent what the YCC Campaign meant to the individual and their local environment. They were to be hand drawn or digitally created without the use of AI. 

Designs submitted by 31 August 2023 were considered for the Year of Climate and Carbon (YCC) Campaign Design created by the GLOBE Implementation Office.  The following designs were submitted in consideration for the YCC Design:


A picture of two hands holding a globe, with images of fires and pollution in the background. The image reads, “Ignite for change, turn the tide.”
Name: Andrei Joshua Alayon
Title: "Ignite for Change, Turn the Tide"
GLOBE Country and Region: Philippines, Asia and Pacific
Description: The design reflects the few of many complications currently experienced on earth, which are caused by the change in climate and the continuous rising levels of carbon/carbon-related elements that cloud the atmosphere.  The design was made with the intention of making it both appealing to younger audiences and more mature people who have more control of their carbon footprints and environmental actions. This is because change doesn't come easy. If we want change, if we want to promote meaningful climate action and carbon reduction, we have to reach everyone, because the earth's factors depends on us humans. Our actions serve as basis to what will happen next in our environment. Every tree cut down, and every one planted, would have an effect. Every drop of water wasted, every drop of water purified has its effects. Every degree of temperature that rose, and every degree that drops, has its effects.  This is why we as humans need to band together and finally "ignite" our flames of change, to take action and "turn the tide." 


A painting of a tree and the sun shining down on it.
Name: Rye Wicklein
GLOBE Country and Region: USA, North America
Description: Trees need carbon, water and nutrients to survive.


An image of a globe being held in hands. The globe is separated into 2 sections, with the left side being darker and the right side being normal colored. French text reads: Reduire le emmissions, protegeons notre planete.
Name: StĂ©phano TADAHY 
GLOBE Country and Region: Madagascar, Africa
Description: Mon conception du logo dĂ©signe Ă  la fois une environnement serein, et d’autres cĂ´tĂ©s une environnement ou le zone est polluĂ©e avec une Ă©mission de carbone Ă©levĂ©e et les forĂŞts qui le sĂ©questrent sont anĂ©anties. Il faut donc minimiser l’émission de CO2 et protĂ©ger notre planète contre le changement climatique, car on appartient pas au Monde mais c’est le monde qui nous appartient.


A circular picture of a globe with swirling arrows is bordered by a brown circle that reads, “Years of climate and carbon."
Name: Wangchuk Zangmo 
GLOBE Country and Region: Bhutan, Asia and Pacific
Description: Earth: The Earth represents our planet, emphasizing the focus of the campaign on understanding and protecting the environment.
Green Spiral: The green spiral signifies the carbon cycle, starting small and growing larger, symbolizing the movement of carbon from the ground to the atmosphere and back, emphasizing the campaign's core message.
Leaf and Tree: Leaf and tree represent nature. They depict how carbon interacts with plants and trees, underlining their vital role in capturing and releasing carbon, aligning with the campaign's environmental theme.
Sun and Clouds: The sun and clouds above the spiral represent the sun's energy and the atmosphere, showing their connection to the carbon cycle's processes, demonstrating the holistic approach of the campaign.
Text: "Year of Climate and Carbon" written around the design makes the campaign's purpose clear, ensuring viewers immediately 
understand its significance.


A sketch of a hand that is above a smaller sketch of a mountain depicting various climates and to the right it reads: “Year of Carbon and Climate”.

Name: Dawa Zam
Title: Kuzuzangpo la
GLOBE Country and Region: Bhutan, Asia and Pacific
Description: I have drawn a hand as if it's doing something which indicates human's activities affecting the earth and it's environment in various ways. The small cloud-dust like shows the carbon produce by humans. The mountain indicates the earth: I have drawn snowing, raining, flash flood, droughts, development and deforestation which are major issues in the world wide. 


Picture of a tree with branches that display an oxygen molecule.
Name: Sabrina Nappi, Giulia Ascione and Chiara Melluso
Title: HTO2 (Hazel tree oxygen)
GLOBE Country and Region: Italy, Europe and Eurasia
Description: The hazel is the most cultivated plant of fruit species in the whole Campania region, counting about 25,000 hectares of land. But in addition to the long permanence of its roots within our lands, it is also recognized for its unsurpassed ability to acquire carbon dioxide, a seizure higher than that of other crops. In Campania the production of hazelnuts is 263,492 quintals. This interesting information inspired us in the realization of our graphic project, the hazelnut/CO2 tree where the CO2 molecules configure the crown just as the bonds between the atoms constitute the branches.



Submit Your Design

If you would like to submit a design to participate in the campaign, you can upload it using the button below. Although the submission deadline for the YCC campaign design has passed, your designs will be featured on this page!



Other Submissions


An image of a tree is reflected on a circular gray background with the letters “CC” in it reading: “The Year of Climate and Carbon”.

Name: Pema Wangchuck
Title: n/a
GLOBE Country and Region: Bhutan, Asia and Pacific
Description: The circle depicts our earth and the light that illuminate from the center of the earth symbolizes the gradual rise in temperature. Therefore, the single tree in the design reminds us about the significance of the plants around us. Why I intentionally have plants in my design: 1. Plants are a carbon sink 2. Plants make life possible on the Earth 3. Only through preservation and conservation of plants we can reduce the risk of climate change.