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Aerosol Data - CALITOO through the GO App

Marile Colon Robles, modified 1 Year ago.
Youngling Post: 1 Join Date: 1/11/13 Recent Posts
Roger Rose is working with the GLOBE Clouds team this summer and noticed the following:

When using the GLOBE Observer App for Aerosols data collection, there is an option to "+ Add Trial" after 3 Trials have been entered. 
It looks like 3 is the default minimum number of datasets that need to be entered to have a valid AOT observation.  The system will take up to 5 Trials or sets of data.
However, the App appears to give the option for unlimited Trials.  After 5 Trials have been entered, the option is still given to add another one.  I went up to 20 Trials and the option to add more was still there.

If the observer tries to submit more than 5 Trials of data sets, they will receive an error message to edit the observation because the trials are out of range.

Is there any way for the App to only give the option for a maximum of 5 Trials?

If observers don't know that 5 is the maximum limit, they might get frustrated with trying to edit the data sets and give up on the data collection.

At first, I submitted 6 Trials on one observation and then 9 Trials on another one.  I received the error message. I kept thinking that I had messed up entering the numbers somewhere.  I finally deleted all the trials above 5 and it worked.

We have snapshots available that I cannot add to this blog post if needed. 


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