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27 Countries

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students stand in the New Hampshire Water Tent to see the artwork from their peers
NARM participants prepare to study the Maumee River with various water quality testing kits
John Moore welcomes participants to the North American Regional Meeting in Palmyra, New Jersey

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Benin Mauritius Cameroon Madagascar Gambia Nigeria Kenya Senegal Liberia Tanzania
Burkina Faso Cameroon
Benin Liberia Botswana Nigeria Burkina Faso Senegal Gambia South Africa Ghana Tanzania Kenya  
Benin Nigeria Botswana Senegal Burkina Faso Seychelles Cameroon South Africa Chad Tanzania Ghana The Gambia Kenya ...
Documents Repository

Globe At A Glance

REGION at a Glance

  • 41029 Students
  • 3158 Educators
  • 301 Pre-service Teachers
  • 3625 GLOBE Observers
  • 1299853 Data Entries
  • 1930 Schools / Informal Education Organizations
  • 918 Trainers
  • 4 Mentor Trainers
  • 3533 People Trained
  • 257 Workshops Held

GLOBE People


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