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Students from Shaab junior high participate in a scientific mission abroad.

Magdy Taha, modified 7 Years ago.
Youngling Posts: 2 Join Date: 11/7/12 Recent Posts
Students from Shaab junior high participate in a scientific mission abroad.
For seven days 19-25/4/2017 a group of students from Shaab junior high school participated in a scientific mission to Ukraine, in a project of world observation and learning, for the benefit of the environment within the framework of "Globe Project". The students visited the scientific center for the environment and science, in the city of Ivanu Fronkyvsk  in the Ukraine and took part in a number of scientific and artistic activities and workshops.
The mission included two full days of learning, in which students with the accompanying delegation toured the historical and cultural sites in the capital city Kiev. They visited a number of museums ,including the World War Two one , and had a meeting with the Israeli ambassador to the Ukraine Mr. Eli Belutsrokofsky , who expressed a great deal of admiration for the students scientific work and  for the school scientific activities as well.
Some of the students introduced, to the ambassador, the school and its excellent activities and achievements in the field of science and presented him with a symbolic gift. In addition the students met with the minister of education and the general director, who is responsible of schools and of the   environmental scientific centers in the capital, and they gave him a gift: a thank you shield.
On Saturday, the students visited the university of oil and gas in the city of Ivano Frankifsk , and participated in a number of events and activities to become familiar with the motivation and dynamics of movement and energy in the university. It is worth mentioning that the scientific mission drew a great deal of attention and attracted a lot of interest on the highest levels.
The students and the accompanying delegation invited On Friday 21/4 the mayor of Ivano Frankifsk , the director of the environmental center for scientific researches , representatives of the Ukraine ministry of education , students and  teachers from the various fields of science to an artistic show to express the spirit of friendship and collaboration between the two schools. The principals of both schools signed an agreement to enhance the relationship between the two schools and to exchange experiments and researching delegations in the future. Both principals exchanged symbolic presents and shields. It is noteworthy as well that the relations between the schools started last year where both schools worked together to present and compare scientific research about the influence of climate and the atmosphere on the growth of certain plants.     


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