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Community Feedback Forum

These message boards are a place for you to let us know about things that you would like to see as the website grows, and a place where you can contact us if you find something on the site that is broken or that does not work as you would expect.

This area of the site is not intended to replace contacting the GLOBE Implementation Office Community Support team; it is to give you a place to leave a comment and to see comments from others (to get a sense of what areas of trouble others are having or features that other users are requesting).

Message Boards

RE: Teacher Account Difficulty

Eslam Khair, modified 6 Years ago.
Youngling Posts: 13 Join Date: 12/1/12 Recent Posts
Dear Farid, the account is already in the system, it just didn't have the school associated with it that's why you couldn't access it or use the email to create an account.
I added the school and it's fixed now. If need help with password, please change password for Hassan or you can have Hassan use "Forgot Password" link from the log in page.
Thank you,
Farid Hamdan, modified 6 Years ago.
Padawan Posts: 18 Join Date: 2/8/12 Recent Posts
Dear  Eslam 
I  haven't  seen  the  teacher 's name :  Mr.  Hassan Ayoob   associated  to Omar Al Khatab School  . 
Please up  date me  
His mail  is   up  in the school  website  but don't appear with the second teacher mentioned below

Eslam Khair, modified 6 Years ago.
Youngling Posts: 13 Join Date: 12/1/12 Recent Posts
Hi Farid,
I just checked and found the account. You need to find him by the email not the name. He needs to update his name on the system. Please check the following link: IMAGE
Thank you,
Eslam Khair, modified 6 Years ago.
Youngling Posts: 13 Join Date: 12/1/12 Recent Posts
Dear Farid,
It seems that you tried to attache an image and it didn't go through. That's why we recommend using the helpdesk requests for these issues instead of the community feedback forums.
Please refrain from using the community feedback forums for these requests and use the helpdesk forms or email directly to send any requests like this. The helpdesk forms or email have more features and cabapilties. The Community Feedback Forum is for feedback and bug reporting.

As for the user accounts, we do not edit users' personal information. Users should enter their information correctly and if they make any mistakes in their personal informatoin, it's up to them to update their information.
If they have problem accessing their accounts or don't know how to edit, we can guide them on how to do it.

Please have the user check the following video so they can log in and edit their name as well as any other personal information:

Thank you,



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