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RE: Green Down/Up school data visualization legend errors

Bára Semeráková, modified 6 Years ago.
Padawan Posts: 24 Join Date: 6/29/12 Recent Posts
I have couple of comments to the school data viz in Green Down. When I open the pop up window with school data, there is a legend on the left from the graph:
1) Species - I am not sure how this works? If I choose from the drop down menu, does it really show me different species on the same site? or is it more connected to Leaves?
2) Mosquito Genera - what are mosquitoes doing here? emoticon should be Genus

One more question about the background of viz: The graph shows the color for the whole tree, but students record color for four leaves of the same tree. How does the system make the "average" color of these four leaves? How do you calculate this if you have 4 different unique color codes?

Thank you

Travis Andersen, modified 6 Years ago.
Youngling Posts: 10 Join Date: 12/3/11 Recent Posts
Hi Bara,

Glad you are using the vis tools!  I can answer some of your questions.

  • If a site has multiple trees there is supposed to be a little select box for the person to choose which of the trees to show a graph of.  It appears this is missing and so when a site has multiple trees nothing is showing up for the graph.
  • I agree this is odd.  
  • Average color is not shown but the statistical mode is.  In other words which ever leaf color is most reported that day for that tree.  Using your screenshot as an example the predominant color is 2.5Y:6/6 which was the color of 2 out of the 4 leaves.
Well look into the issues regarding 1 and 2.
Thank you
Bára Semeráková, modified 5 Years ago.
Padawan Posts: 24 Join Date: 6/29/12 Recent Posts
Hi Travis,

Thank you for your reply!

I have further question regarding the number 3 - predominant color. Using the same example that I sent I can see that there are 4 leaves with following color codes:
So I would say it is 50:50, always 2 leaves with the same color! How come that the predominant is 2.5Y:6/6 ? Why not 2,5Y:8/12 ? Statistically there should be no predominant color or 2 predominant colors, which both is difficult to show on the color-scale graph...

Thank you fot letting me know if there is any development regarding my questions 1 and 2.

Best regards,

Travis Andersen, modified 5 Years ago.
Youngling Posts: 10 Join Date: 12/3/11 Recent Posts
Hi Bara,

The fix has been pushed out for 1 and 2.  I did a quick look and it appears to be working as expected.  If you still see problems please let us know.

In regards to question number 3 when there are 2 leaves as one color and 2 leaves of another color why does the system say just one of the colors is predominate and not both?  The system was designed to only show one color or no color and so when this happens the system just randomly picks one color.  It would be the same type of situation if all 4 leaves had different colors.  Since the graph can only show one color is why the system is not displaying more than one color for predomiate.

The logic to at least show a color is preferred vs not showing anything when there are equal amount of colors to show.

Thank you



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