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Message Boards

Alt text on images doesn't work as intended

Alicia Carlson, modified 2 Years ago.
Youngling Posts: 2 Join Date: 6/14/16 Recent Posts
I noticed an issue with alt text on images when I was posting news stories to the U.S. GLOBE news. When I add more than one image to a story, the alt text is the same for each image. When I go to change one, the other gets changed too. I ended up using one generic alt text for the images, which of course defeats the purpose of alt text. 
Alicia Carlson, modified 2 Years ago.
Youngling Posts: 2 Join Date: 6/14/16 Recent Posts
My brilliant colleague Haley found a work-around for this issue. She discovered that when you add alt text to one image, you need to click off the image into the body of the news story before clicking on another image to add more alt text. She describes and demonstrates this very well in this video: Thank you, Haley!
Cornell C. Lewis, modified 1 Year ago.
Padawan Posts: 45 Join Date: 8/2/11 Recent Posts
Thanks Haley for providing the work-around. We'll get the bug fixed soon.


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