Webinar Our Spring with Trees - Time to show off the results of your workThe final Campaign meeting is coming up on
Wednesday, May 31 at 2 pm CEST (Prague time), and we invite you to share your experiences with others.
Submit a student presentation by May 15th to tell others about your spring tree change observations, carbon activities, and collaborations with partners. You can also submit Padlet, Wakelet, Bookcreator, or a video to be presented. Just make sure that your contributions are
in English.
If you don't have a presentation to share, you can still join the meeting and be inspired by the activities of other teams, ask questions, and discuss with others.
Registration is open for everyone interested in learning more about the campaign.For any questions, please don't hesitate to contact Lenka Kleger at
lenka.kleger@terezanet.cz .
We look forward to seeing you at the webinar!
Register HERE.
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