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News from a scientist. The vegetation season is in full swing.

Lenka Kleger, modified 6 Years ago.
Jedi Council Member Posts: 87 Join Date: 7/27/17 Recent Posts
Dear All,
The Czech Republic has been recently covered with pollen. Windows, tables, cars or pavements has literally turned yellow. 
Lenka Hájková, a scientist from Czech Hydrometeorological Institute sent us an explanation of this unusual situation and information about this year's vegetation season development.

Is the pollen situation similar also in your country? Let us know.

Have a nice spring days.

The vegetation season is in full swing.

This year's vegetation season in the Czech Republic is very unusual. At first, its start was significantly delayed and now it is significantly accelerated due to the unusually high air temperatures. Some phenophases follow with only 1 to 3 days delay, green biomass grows literally in front of the eyes. Leaf growth of birches, willows, hornbeams, cherries, hazels, beeches, maples, limes and other trees is very fast.

A large number of plant species is already in full flowering, other start flowering earlier than usual. Flowering takes a relatively short time (shorter than usual). Many species that are currently flowering, such as birch, beech, common oak, spruce or meadow foxtail are among the major pollen allergens, which affect the high pollen concentration in the air. Also this year, conifers are flowering in extreme quantities. 

It is very interesting that species such as wild cherry and forsythia, whose flowering usually doesn´t meet, flower this year at the same time. Another interesting fact is that some species bloom in an unusual amount (e.g. wood anemone, marsh-marigold and spruce).

Last of all, one curiosity from the Czech Republic. May 1st is the day on which Czech people celebrate Love. There is a tradition that couples should kiss under a blossoming cherry tree. Unfortunately, this year cherries in the lower and middle attitudes ended flowering before May 1st, so the tradition couldn´t be fulfilled.


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