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Spring Tree Campaign 2020

Mary Hannah Conway, modified 4 Years ago.
Jedi Knight Posts: 17 Join Date: 10/9/17 Recent Posts
Great to see all these fabulous pictures of trees from around the world. Here's the Cherry and Pear tree  from outside Dublin, Ireland on Measurement Day #2. Air and soil temperatures starting to warm up and more growth soon. The Cherry Prunus avium is an unpruned tree and still has an untouched crown and soon to display all those beautiful blossoms. The Pear Pyrus communis is heavily pruned annually due to the planting location inside the garden walls but the branch selected shows the bud growth although the amount of carbon stored might not be same as an unpruned tree. I don't know too much about that but we're on holidays now in Ireland for the next two weeks and with on-line lessons paused there's plenty of time to try to learn more about the tree protocols.


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