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Spring 2021- European hazelnut

Student 3 of Hana Grundova-pazouska, modified 3 Years ago.
Youngling Posts: 3 Join Date: 4/7/21 Recent Posts
I chose one of the shrubs in our garden. It is European hazelnut (Corylus Avellana). Its location is 49Β°54ΚΉ39.639β€œN 16Β°26ΚΉ49.912β€œE (around 393 metres above sea level) The bush I am watching has fallen leaves. It is currently in the flowering stage – of the female flowers visible only small pink stigmas protruding from the buds before sprouting, male are long catkins hanging from last year's branches. Although the shrub is blooming, I consider the buds to be dormant. The fruits of the plant are hazelnuts, most these nuts of last year have already fallen to the ground. What I probably like most about my bush is how it gradually wakes up from flowers through leaves to small nuts.



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