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Autumn 2022 - Activity 1

Athanasios T. Theodorakopoulos, modified 2 Years ago.
Jedi Knight Posts: 21 Join Date: 3/4/20 Recent Posts
Hi everyone! Welcome to European Phenology Campaign - Autumn 2022!

We'll take green-down measurements at the same tree [Autumn '20/Spring '21/Autumn '21/Spring '22], an old Pedunculate oak [Quercus robur] at least 200 years old. The branch we've been observing from '20 has dried so we have selected another southeastern branch at 340cm high [the lowest of this tree]. We are using a kind of aluminum ladder to take observations and we know some safety tips for working at heights ;)
​​​​​​​You can check this link for past year's green-down measurements.

The site is located on the eastern slopes of mt.Olympus, in the heart of broad-leaved evergreens [Quercetalia ilicis] at an altitude of 580m. The area is dominated by shrubs and low-rising trees such as the holm oak [Quercus ilex], Greek strawberry tree [Arbutus adrachnae], kermes oak [Quercus coccifera], strawberry tree [Arbutus unedo], prickly Juniper [Juniperus oxycedrus], etc. Characteristic deciduous species at this altitude include manna ash [Fraxinus ornus], Montpellier maple [Acer monspessulanum], Judas-tree [Cercis siliquastrum], European smoke tree [Cotinus coggygria] and others.

​​​​​​​The MUC field code is 0192 and described as closed forest, mainly evergreen, temperate and subpolar needle-leaved, irregularly rounded crowns.​​​​​​​
Climate can be described as one of Mediterranean type with continental influence, hot and dry in the summer, while humid and cold in the winter. Its local variations are the result of the impact of the sea and the rugged relief of the region.

​​​​​​​Here are some informations about the location:
Country: Litochoro, mt. Olympus, Greece
Coordinates: 40.084158°/22.488452°
Elevation: 580 m.
Tree: Pedunculate oak [Quercus robur]
Tree height: 19.98 m
Tree circumference: 346 cm
Globe Site: Research Area: LIT-218186S6
School: Greece Globe v-School
Instrument shelter [Atmosphere measurements]: Research Area: LIT-193799S3
Today's measurements:
Date/time: 22/09/2022-11:22 UTC
Current temp: 15.4 °C
Relative hum: 40 %
Surface Condition: dry
Surface temp: 12.2 °C
Soil temp [5 cm]: 15.3 °C
​​​​​​​Soil temp [10 cm]: 15.5 °C
​​​​​​​Leaves state: 5GY 4/8
​​​​​​​​​​Site: Research Area: LIT-218186S6 [Select measurements from the left and plot custom date data]

​​​​​​​Happy fall season to everyone & stay safe!



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