Andrea Ventoso 8 Years Ago Thanks for sharing this post with the community. It is important for teachers and students willing to participate in the virtual science fair, to refresh the rubrics to present the projects. As I mentioned during our group last meeting, in my country is difficult to participate in the science fair because of the period of classes (March to December), so I will try to encourage teachers to start preparing projects during this year for 2018 science fair according to these rubrics. Maybe it is necessary for them to give them translated to Spanish as an extra help! 0 Reply as... Cancel Nektaria Adaktilou Andrea Ventoso 8 Years Ago Thanks Andrea! I think your idea is great. Lets discuss this more during our next meeting. 0 Reply as... Cancel
Nektaria Adaktilou Andrea Ventoso 8 Years Ago Thanks Andrea! I think your idea is great. Lets discuss this more during our next meeting. 0 Reply as... Cancel