
Spring 2023 NASA GLOBE Clouds Quarterly Update

The NASA GLOBE Clouds Quarterly Update is available for spring 2023!

Survey to determine the needs of community members who are visually impaired
The GLOBE’s Accessibility Technology Solution Sub-Committee has launched a survey to establish a baseline and determine the needs of community members who are visually impaired.

Clouds on Other Planets
Studying clouds is interesting on Earth as well as on other planets! An instrument on NASA’s Perseverance rover is measuring temperature, pressure, wind, humidity and dust properties. Scientists have observed that clouds play a role in the variation in temperature and pressure on Mars.

What’s in the air we breathe?
The TEMPO (Tropospheric Emissions: Monitoring Pollution) mission will be measuring air pollution hourly during daytime, over North America. From the ground, you can also help study air pollution when making GLOBE Clouds observations by reporting sky color and visibility. Deeper blue skies and clearer skies relate to less air pollution.

Cloud Observation Tip: Surface Conditions
When a satellite is trying to identify clouds, it can be difficult to categorize different geographical elements. That is why reporting surface conditions is helpful for satellite validation. A tricky question when making cloud observations may be the one related to “Leaves on Trees”.

Meet an Expert: Dr. Kevin Czajkowski
Dr. Kevin Czajkowski was recently awarded the title of Distinguished University Professor at the University of Toledo for his contributions to the field of geographic research and educational outreach. He also leads a NASA funded educational outreach project to engage students in authentic scientific inquiry using the GLOBE Program and NASA assets. His advice for students is to learn to write well, be able to speak in front of people, and use technology, as well as to expand their skills with extracurricular activities.

Science Topic: Urban Heat Islands and Fog
Scientists recently saw some peculiar holes over a layer of fog in Northern India. They also noticed that the fog holes coincided with big cities. The difference in temperature has to do with how well the surfaces in each environment absorb and hold heat. When the land surface gets hotter, the ground becomes less humid. With less moisture available, less fog can form. Therefore, the urban heat island effect can lead to fog holes!

Would you like to reach the NASA GLOBE Clouds team? Use our contact page to send us questions or comments. Thank you so much for all your observations!

The NASA GLOBE Cloud Team

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