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soil collection

Augustine John Frkuska, modified 9 Years ago.
Youngling Posts: 3 Join Date: 7/18/12 Recent Posts
Hi Brian,
We are quickly approaching summer. The soil becomes extremely hard as it dries. This makes the soil cans we collect the soil samples with crunch and accordian in the collection process. We are developing a tool that will help the children collect the samples for SMAP much easier with consistency. We would like you to review and give us feedback on the tool, the adjusted protocol we are using along with the data on the samples collected using the tool.
Brian Andrew Campbell, modified 9 Years ago.
Youngling Posts: 18 Join Date: 11/20/12 Recent Posts
Hello Augustine,

Absolutely! We are always looking for ideas that will help perfect the soil moisture data collection process. We have recommend using a wood block to lessen the can deformation during soil collection, but we fully understand that might not be the universal fix.

Send the tool information to me at Brian.A.Campbell.nasa.gov

Thank you,


Augustine John Frkuska:
Hi Brian,
We are quickly approaching summer. The soil becomes extremely hard as it dries. This makes the soil cans we collect the soil samples with crunch and accordian in the collection process. We are developing a tool that will help the children collect the samples for SMAP much easier with consistency. We would like you to review and give us feedback on the tool, the adjusted protocol we are using along with the data on the samples collected using the tool.