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Welcome to the Trees Around the GLOBE Campaign

Brian Campbell, modified 6 Years ago.
Youngling Posts: 5 Join Date: 11/20/12 Recent Posts
Greetings One and All from NASA and The Trees Around the GLOBE Campaign,

We are excited to begin this great campaign that will be a student research campaign focusing on tree height. Tree height is not just a measurement, it is a gateway to understanding many things about the environment. The structure of trees canopies, the 3D arrangement of individual trees, has a huge effect on how ecosystems function through the cycle carbon, water, and nutrients.

The increased need to understand local to global dynamics of ecosystems, a prerequisite to understand the coupling of the biosphere to other components of Earth systems.
We want to create an organized community of students that take tree height measurements, compare these measurements to established NASA programs, research tree height data from other GLOBE schools/countries, and take supplemental protocol measurements like Green Up, Green Down, and Land Cover Classification. We are also hoping that students will take some location baseline protocol measurements of Air Temperature, Surface Temperature, Soil Temperature, and Carbon Cycle.

Will you join us? Comment on this thread with your school and location and stay tuned for upcming webinars, blogs, and activities.

In the meantime, go out and take some tree height measurements by going to the GLOBE Biometry Protocol.