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School / Informal Education Organization Locations

94 Schools / Informal Education Organizations
* Not on map, no lat/long

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  Earth centered on the Middle East region
A computer keyboard.

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Image of Near East and North Africa

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About the Country The United Arab Emirates is a country which sometimes simply called Emirates or the UAE. My country was established on 2nd of December 1971 . It is a federation of seven...
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التقرير البيئي لعام 2012-2017 يحتوى على وثائق لبرنامج جلوب البيئي ومشروع البستنة
برنامج جلوب البيئي
Country Coordinator: Baheyy.Shehab phone number: 00971561625261 Government Point of Contact Minister of...
test news Apr 26, 2014 I participated on the regional conference instead of the Globe national coordinator we are learning new info about the website and to mange the information
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Globe At A Glance

COUNTRY at a Glance

  • 442 Students
  • 101 Educators
  • 13 Pre-service Teachers
  • 446 GLOBE Observers
  • 2455 Data Entries
  • 94 Schools / Informal Education Organizations
  • 0 Honor Rolls
  • 69 Trainers
  • 5 Mentor Trainers
  • 122 People Trained
  • 12 Workshops Held

GLOBE People


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