2020 GLOBE IVSS - Instructions
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Each IVSS student project should include the following components below and should be submitted via the Virtual Science Symposium Report Tool. Make sure to have all the items prepared before accessing the tool. You will have editing access within the Report Tool. Please do not submit identical reports multiple times.
- A Complete Written Research Report: This report needs to include: An Abstract or Summary, Introduction, Methods and Materials, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, and Citations. Requirements vary by grade level. Please check the rubrics page to see what is required for your level. Report templates by level are available to use under the "Resources" page on the left hand tool bar, and don't forget to include GLOBE data in your report!
- Formatting: The complete,
written research report should be submitted as .PDF or .DOCX/.DOC. If including more than one language, make sure the report is just one file. If any other file types are submitted, we may not be able to open them and therefore would not be able to include them in the judging process.
- Badge Description: For any of the optional badges (you may select up to three), include a short summary of how each badge has been completed.
- Presentation: In your project, include a link to an uploaded video hosted on an online video sharing site (YouTube, Vimeo, TeacherTube, etc) or a presentation poster that describes and outlines your project. Poster files can be .ppt, .pdf, or an image file. Please do not upload the actual video, just the video link! Whether presented as a video, a narrated PowerPoint, or as a poster, the presentation should describe the student research. Videos should be 10 minutes or less.
- Thumbnail Image: An image to be displayed with the student report.
- Photo Release Forms: All individuals who appear in photos or video must send in a photo release. Please save all the photo releases into one file.
Reports are due 10 March 2020. Projects submitted after this date will not be scored.
Uploading Reports
Student reports are accepted from January through 10 March 2020. In order to enter your project, click on the blue "Upload Your Research Report" button below. Make sure to select "International Virtual Science Symposium Report" under Type of Student Research Report. Also, you may select up to three optional badges, which need to be described in your report. If you have questions or need assistance, send us an email at
Projects submitted after 10 March 2020 will not be scored.
Timeline/ Important Dates:
- Informational Webinar - 30 October 2019
- Reports accepted - Mid to late January - 10 March 2020
- Due date for all student reports - 10 March 2020
- Judging Webinar - 30 March 2020 (10am MT)
- Judging Period - 30 March - 6 April 2020
- Feedback and Virtual Badges Shared - 22 April 2020
- Drawing for stipends - 22 April 2020