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(Rainfall variation and its effect on the cultivation of Alonca in the city of Sabya)

Country:Saudi Arabia
Student(s):Ageela Muhammad Jawahi
Grade Level:Secondary School (grades 9-12, ages 14-18)
GLOBE Educator(s):Faizah Ibrahim Bahry
Contributors:Faiza Bahri, Ms. Najla Khawaji, and to Jazan University, and special thanks to Dr. Abadi Muhammad Mishlawi. Assistant Professor in Entomology at Jazan University, and Dr. Osama Muhammad Hassan Abu Al-Gheit, Assistant Professor in Entomology at Jazan University, and to the science teacher, Ms. Reem Al-Otaibi, with a Master’s degree in Biology.
Report Type(s):International Virtual Science Symposium Report, Standard Research Report
Protocols:Clouds, Precipitation, Land Cover Classification, Earth As a System
Presentation Video: View Video
Presentation Poster: View Document
Language(s):English, Arabic
Date Submitted:03/01/2025
تباين المطر
This study aims to know the effect of rainfall variation on the cultivation of Alonca plant in the city of Sabya. From here, we began to propose the following: Research question and hypothesis: · Does the variation in rainfall affect the cultivation of the Alunka plant in the city of Sabya? Hypothesis: · The variation in rainfall affects the cultivation of the Alunka plant in the city of Sabya Procedures I used the descriptive survey and observation method and prepared a questionnaire about the effect of the lack of rain on the cultivation of the Alonca plant in the city of Sabya. Results: There is a direct relationship between rainfall variation and the cultivation of the Alonca plant. The lower the rainfall, the lower the cultivation of the Alonca plant. Conclusions: There is an effect of rainfall variation on the cultivation of the Alonca plant, and rain is considered one of the most important factors affecting the cultivation of the Alonca plant.
