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Atmospheric measurements on the Great Taevaskoda clearing and the forest on the outcrop

Student(s):Siim Paabo Marie Elise Niinemets Rebeka Roots Romer Ojaveer Ilya Vasilenko Heidy-Elisabett Sõna Helle Õunap
Grade Level:Middle School (grades 6-8, ages 11-14)
GLOBE Educator(s):Valle Morel, Laura Altin
Contributors:Johanna Raudsepp
Report Type(s):International Virtual Science Symposium Report
Protocols:Air Temperature, Barometric Pressure, Clouds, Precipitation, Relative Humidity
Presentation Poster: View Document
Date Submitted:03/05/2025
This study examines the relationship between atmospheric parameters—air humidity, air pressure, and surface temperature—at two measurement sites near the Great Taevaskoda sandstone cliff in southern Estonia. Measurements were taken at a clearing (lagendik) and a forested area (metsaalune) at different elevations (40.5 m and 68.5 m above sea level, respectively). Instruments included a barometer for air pressure, a psychrometer for humidity, and an infrared thermometer for surface temperature. Results showed that air humidity decreased by 11.2% and air pressure by 3 hPa with elevation, while surface temperature was 5.5°C lower in the forest. The study confirmed that temperature under tree cover is lower, humidity is higher near rivers, and pressure varies with elevation. Further research could involve more precise measurements, simultaneous data collection, and integrating biospheric and pedospheric data to explore vegetation and soil effects on atmospheric conditions.
