Student Research Reports
Comparison of cultivation of Chlorella sp. in effluent from rubber processing Blocks rubber and Concentrated latex factories
Organization(s):Princess Chulabhorn Science High School Trang
Student(s):Miss Arpinya Thongleung
Miss Puttida Leekphai
Grade Level:Secondary School (grades 9-12, ages 14-18)
GLOBE Educator(s):salamiyah kittibunyathiwagon
Contributors:Siwaporn Yongrach (Fisheries academic)
Jintana Mahasawas (Fisheries expert)
Report Type(s):International Virtual Science Symposium Report
Protocols:Dissolved Oxygen, pH, Water Temperature
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Date Submitted:03/04/2025
The study "Comparison of cultivation of Chlorella sp. in effluent from rubber processing Blocks rubber and concentrated latex factories" aims to compare the cultivation of Chlorella sp. in effluent from rubber processing Blocks rubber and concentrated latex factories, examine the growth rate of M. macrocopa that acquired nutrients from Chlorella sp., and determine how effective Chlorella sp. is at improving the effluent's water quality. In the experiment, we separated the three experimental sets. Initially, the control set consists of MSG residue, field fertilizer, urea fertilizer, and drinking water. The wastewater from the manufacturing of concentrated latex is used in the second set. Blocks of rubber processing effluent are used in the third set. We spent a week in cultivation. On the first day, we fill 250 ml flasks with 100 ml of effluent and modify the water's pH to create the ideal environment for Chlorella sp. growth. We pour an additional 150 ml on the third day of the experiment. Every day, we monitored the water quality, counted the quantity of Chlorella sp. cells, and modified the temperature, light, and pH. After that, we fed M. macrocopa Chlorella sp. for three days. We gathered data on temperature, dissolved oxygen (DO), and surface temperature each day. Every experiment was conducted three times.
So, the results, the growth rates of Chlorella sp. from every set are (27.08 ± 1.73), (95.83 ± 0.35) and (29.17 ± 0.48) cells/ml respectively, the growth rates of M. macrocopa from every set are (27.08 ± 1.73), (95.83 ± 0.35) and (29.17 ± 0.48) cells/ml respectively, the increasing rates of the weight of M. macrocopa from every set are (1.53 ± 1.24, 3.66 ± 1.15 and 3.13 ± 1.84 g) respectively. When data was analyzed statistically, it was found that the three sets of experiments were not statistically different from each other (P<0.05). The water quality before and after the experiment such as pH, from the control set, was 6 before and 7 after, the effluent from concentrated latex processing, was 6 before and 7 after, the effluent from Blocks rubber processing, was 6 before and 6.5 after which is according to the research questions. From the results, the effluent from concentrated latex processing can be an option to replace field fertilizer and urea fertilizer in cultivating Chlorella sp. .
Keywords: Chlorella sp./ Moina macrocopa/ effluent/ the rubber processing factory