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Comparison of Soil Quality Affecting Latex Yield in Rubber Plantations During the Summer and Rainy Seasons Na Khao Sia Subdistrict, Na Yong District, Trang  Province

Student(s):Thapanee Ontuk Thanchanok Sangsieng
Grade Level:Secondary School (grades 9-12, ages 14-18)
GLOBE Educator(s):Thamonwan Bunchuay
Contributors:Khwanjai Kanjanasrimek Sutheera Thacheen
Report Type(s):International Virtual Science Symposium Report
Protocols:Soil Fertility, Soil Moisture - Gravimetric, Soil pH, Soil Temperature
Presentation Poster: View Document
Date Submitted:03/05/2025
 1.)Develop a research work plan.           2.)Measure soil quality using the GLOBE methodology by assessing soil temperature, pH, moisture  content, and soil fertility (N, P, K) during the rainy season (November to December) and summer season  (January) as follows:  1.)Measure soil temperature at three points using a thermometer, record the temperature readings three  times, and calculate the average.  2.)Measure soil moisture using a moisture meter, record the moisture readings three times, and  calculate the average. 3.)Measure soil pH using litmus paper: Take 20 ml of soil and place it in a beaker, then add water to the beaker until the total volume reaches  50ml. Mix the water and soil thoroughly.Fold filter paper and place it in a funnel. Put the funnel with thefilter paper into an Erlenmeyer flask, then pour the water-soil mixture onto the filter paper in the funnel  without overflowing.Use litmus paper to measure the pH of the filtered water in the flask by dipping the  litmus paper into the water, then compare the pH using a pH scale.  4. Measure soil fertility (N, P, K) using a soil N, P, K meter to record the nutrient levels in  the soil.
This study aimed to compare soil quality factors affecting latex yield in rubber plantations during the summerand rainy seasons in Na Khao Sia Subdistrict, Na Yong District, Trang Province. The research was conducted by measuring soil quality parameters based on GLOBE protocols, including soil temperature, pH, moisture content, and fertility.The findings indicated that latex yield in rubber plantations was higher during the rainy seasoncompared to the summer. The average soil temperature was higher in summer, while soil moisturelevels were greater in the rainy season. The soil pH in the rainy season was higher than in the summer. Regarding soil fertility, potassium levels increased during the rainy season compared to the summer, while nitrogen and phosphorus levels remained relatively stable across both seasons.
