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Effect of Salinity and Acidity of Well Water and Desalinated Water on Local Uses in Ibri

Organization(s):Ibri basic School
Student(s):Zulfi Ahmed Alwaeli & Sheikha Hafez Almaamari
Grade Level:Middle School (grades 6-8, ages 11-14)
Contributors:: Eng.Waleed Al-Sawafi (Senior Production Engineer, Nama Water services). . Ms. Munira Al-Abri (Environmental Agency) Eng. Hamdan ALWaeli(Construction Expert)
Report Type(s):International Virtual Science Symposium Report
Protocols:Conductivity, pH, Salinity
Presentation Poster: View Document
Language(s):English, Arabic
Date Submitted:02/25/2025
The cover contains a Hebrew school logo on the right side, the Sultanate of Oman logo on the top, and the Globe logo on the left side. In the middle is the title of the research, and at the bottom is the name of the two research students.
This study aims to determine the impact of salinity and ph on local uses in Ibri by addressing the following question: 1- What is the effect of well water and desalinated water salinity on drinking, agriculture, and construction? 2- How does desalinated water quality compare to well water in terms of salinity and acidity? To answer these questions, the investigative scientific research method was applied, where we used two samples of Sohar desalination plant water that are distributed to residential areas in the state of Ibri, the first area is Kawas, the second region is Al-Nahda, and the third region is AlGhuwail (Al-Salif), and a sample of water was taken from its well, and sent to the Agricultural Research Center in Barka for analysis and to know the levels of salinity and acidity in each sample. The water protocol was applied to a sample of well water and desalination water in terms of (salinity and pH) to determine its effect on local uses. We examined the two samples using GLOBE instruments to find out the chemical properties of this water and compare it with the characteristics of the well water sample. The presence of salinity and acidity in well water and groundwater used locally in Oman is a problem as a result of its use extensively in agriculture and building construction." Our knowledge of global patterns in water measurements depends on sampling at a few specific sites." (1) the page 5 Interviews were conducted with: Eng.Waleed Al-Sawafi (Senior Production Engineer, Nama Water services). Discussed desalination water safety, treatment requirements, and the impact of salinity on household equipment. Ms. Munira Al-Abri (Environmental Agency)-Explained how high acidity in irrigation water affects soil composition and nutrient absorption. Eng. Hamdan ALWaeli(Construction Expert)-Highlighted how excessive salinity and acidity in water weaken concrete and corrode iron reinforcements in buildings. A questionnaire was applied to a sample of the community on the problem of the effect of high salinity and acidity of water used for different local uses.
