Student Research Reports
Land cover variation in the forests surrounding Taevaskoja according to the MUC system and the Estonian vegetation classification
Organization(s):Estonian Learning Expedition
Student(s):Alari Koitla
Marta Ruthe
Friida Volman
Anete Kindel
Merelle Hellamaa
Jan Mihhalov
Kertu Kepp
Grade Level:Middle School (grades 6-8, ages 11-14)
GLOBE Educator(s):Ene Kook, Laura Altin
Contributors:Johanna Raudsepp
Report Type(s):International Virtual Science Symposium Report
Protocols:Biometry (including Tree Height), Land Cover Classification
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Date Submitted:03/05/2025
The landscape around Taevaskoja is diverse, with areas of different elevations and water
regimes. Given the variation in landscape, the land cover is likely also diverse, as the
composition and abundance of trees and understory plants depend on the availability of water in
the soil. The objective of the expedition was to determine whether and how different land cover
types are present in the Ahja River valley (lower area) and on the sandstone cliff bordering the
river (higher area). We selected one research area in the valley and another on the higher bank
and conducted land cover studies based on the GLOBE protocol. Additionally, we identified all
the shrub and herbaceous plant species and the more abundant moss species growing in the
research areas. The land cover of the lower area had a Modified UNESCO Classification (MUC)
code of 0192, and the forest type in the Estonian vegetation classification was bog forest, while
the higher area had an MUC code of 0193 and was classified as broadleaf forest. Thus, the land
cover around the Ahja River is variable, and differences between the research areas are evident
both in the MUC system and in the Estonian vegetation classification. We did not collect data on
soil and water regimes in our research areas, so in the future, it would be necessary to investigate how soil and water regimes differ in the selected research areas and whether the differences inland cover are due to soil variations or other factors.