Student Research Reports
Problems and dangers of solar storms on planet Earth, their threat to human life and their relationship to climate.
Organization(s):Al-Matan Intermediate and Secondary Girls School at Sabya
Country:Saudi Arabia
Student(s):Wurayf Jabril Yousef Al-Baqmi
Grade Level:Secondary School (grades 9-12, ages 14-18)
GLOBE Educator(s):Faizah Ibrahim Bahry
Contributors:. Faiza Bahri Geography teacher , I would like to thank the activity supervisor in the Sabya Education Department, teacher Najla Khawaji, and the science teachers at the school, teacher Ashwaq Al-Subaie, specializing in physics, teacher Awali Attia, specializing in biology, and teacher Reem Al-Rashidi, specializing in computer science.
Report Type(s):International Virtual Science Symposium Report, Standard Research Report
Protocols:Aerosols, Air Temperature, Barometric Pressure, Clouds, Precipitation, Relative Humidity, Surface Temperature, Water Vapor, Wind, Earth As a System
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Language(s):English, Arabic
Date Submitted:03/03/2025
Solar storms are massive explosions on the surface of the Sun that release large amounts of energy and charged particles, which can affect Earth. They can disrupt communications and satellites, cause power outages, and pose a danger to astronauts and airplanes. Although the atmosphere protects us from radiation, their effects on modern technology require constant monitoring and preventive measures, and through my research I began to propose questions.
- Do solar storms affect planet Earth and human life?
- Is there a relationship between solar storms and climate change?
1- Solar storms affect planet Earth and human life.
2- There is a relationship between solar storms and climate change.
I used the descriptive survey method and created a questionnaire, distributed it to a random sample, and then analyzed the results.
The relationship between solar storms and planet Earth is directly proportional in effect, meaning that the more intense the solar storms, the greater their negative impact on Earth and its effect on the climate.