Student Research Reports
Protecting Wetlands for Our Common Future_Water quality and sample analysis,taking the Taipei Daan Forest Park Ecological Pond and NTU Drunken Moon Lake as examples
Organization(s):Taipei Municipal Wan Fang Senior High School(GLID3I86)
Country:Taiwan Partnership
Student(s):YUN HAN LU
Grade Level:Secondary School (grades 9-12, ages 14-18)
Report Type(s):International Virtual Science Symposium Report
Protocols:Air Temperature, Dissolved Oxygen, pH, Water Temperature
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Date Submitted:03/05/2025
This report is about water quality and sample analysis. Taking Taipei Daan Forest Park Ecological Pond and NTU Drunken Moon Lake as examples. We test and record dissolved oxygen (DO), pH value, turbidity, temperature. We also examine the microplastic in these two areas. We found the dissolved oxygen and temperature of the Daan Forest Park Ecological Pool are lower than those of Drunken Moon Lake, the turbidity is higher than that of Drunken Moon Lake, but the pH values are very similar. We can find microplastics in both area.