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Study of Carbon sequestration in Alstonia scholaris and Barringtonia acutangula at Princess Chulabhorn Science High School, Trang 2022–2024

Student(s):Mr.Chonlathid Limthong Mr.Natakoranon Kuaseng Mr.Tanakorn O-mark
Grade Level:Middle School (grades 6-8, ages 11-14)
Report Type(s):International Virtual Science Symposium Report
Protocols:Biometry (including Tree Height), Carbon Cycle, Soil Fertility, Soil pH, Soil Temperature
Presentation Video: View Video
Presentation Poster: View Document
Date Submitted:03/05/2025
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This project was conducted with the objective of studying the growth of prominent trees at Princess Chulabhorn Science High School, Trang during 2022-2024, including the Alstonia scholaris and Barringtonia acutangula trees. The goal was to study the growth, carbon sequestration, and soil quality that affects carbon sequestration. Data was collected using the GLOBE Observer Trees Height app, including tree height and circumference, which were then used to calculate the tree's biomass and analyze the amount of carbon sequestered using the Carbon-Storage app based on allometric equations.The results showed significant statistical differences in tree height, circumference, and carbon sequestration. The average height of Alstonia scholaris increased more than Barringtonia acutangula, but Barringtonia acutangula showed a higher average circumference and carbon sequestration. This is because Barringtonia acutangula is a perennial tree that grows by continuously expanding its trunk, forming thicker cambium tissue each year, leading to rapid circumference growth to support the weight of the branches and water storage. This results in increased biomass and carbon sequestration. The findings suggest the importance of promoting tree planting in communities, not only for shade and aesthetic value but also as a contribution to mitigating global warming.
