Student Research Reports
Study of the Impacts of Soil Amendment Material on Soil Quality and Plant Growth
Organization(s):Princess Chulabhorn Science High School Trang
Student(s):1.Kittanan Rakmueng
2.Thapakorn Kessri
3.Pitchayuth Rachaderm
Grade Level:Secondary School (grades 9-12, ages 14-18)
GLOBE Educator(s):Neungruthai Chaimanee, PACHAREE CHAIPETCH
Contributors:Dr.Anantanit Chumsri and Assistant Professer Anek Sawain
Report Type(s):International Virtual Science Symposium Report
Protocols:Land Cover Classification, Soil Characterization, Soil Fertility, Soil pH
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Date Submitted:03/04/2025
This study aims to create soil amendment materials from natural waste materials, test the water absorption of these soil amendment materials, and examine soil quality before and after planting, as well as plant growth. Four different soil amendment formulas were developed using various ingredients, including peanut shells, watermelon peels, sugarcane bagasse, and goat droppings. The water absorption capacity of all four formulas was tested, and it was found that Formula 3 had the highest percentage of water absorption. Regarding soil quality before and after planting choy sum, the results showed that Formula 3 had the highest soil moisture percentage. The pH of the soil increased after planting in all formulas. The mineral content analysis revealed that Formula 1 and Formula 2 showed an increase in nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Formula 3 had an increase in phosphorus and potassium. Formula 4 had an increase in nitrogen and phosphorus. The control group showed no increase in mineral content. As for the growth rate of choy sum over four weeks, Formula 1 resulted in the best plant growth. This is likely due to the high amount of peanut shells in Formula 1, which serve as a significant source of nitrogen for plants.