Student Research Reports
Study of the Relationship Between Freshwater Algae and Water A Case Study at Thung Kai Botanical Garden, Trang Province
Student(s):Miss Panthira Chuchart
Miss Umaphon Chuaisong
Miss Papinya Saeton
Grade Level:Secondary School (grades 9-12, ages 14-18)
GLOBE Educator(s):Thamonwan Bunchuay
Contributors:Mrs. Khwanjai Kanjanasrimek
Report Type(s):International Virtual Science Symposium Report
Protocols:Dissolved Oxygen, pH, Water Temperature, Water Transparency
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Date Submitted:03/05/2025
This research aims to (1) study the relationship between freshwater algae species and water quality in ponds
within Thung Kai Botanical Garden, Trang Province, (2) analyze the factors affecting the occurrence of
different freshwater algae, including temperature, pH, water transparency, and dissolved oxygen levels, and
(3) classify the algae species found, study their morphological characteristics, and the characteristics of the
water source to use as a bioindicator for water quality assessment. Water and algae samples were collected
from three survey points over a 3-week period to analyze water quality parameters. The results showed
that water quality varied at each point. Points 1 and 2 had higher pH and temperature values, with Spirogyra
(green filamentous algae) found, while point 3 had higher water transparency and lower pH, with Fragilaria
(yellow-brown filamentous algae) found. The study indicates that water quality directly affects the
distribution of algae, with Spirogyra being found in water with higher pH and temperature, and Fragilaria
found in water with higher transparency and lower pH. Additionally, algae can serve as a bioindicator for
water quality assessment, providing important information for managing and conserving water sources to
maintain ecological balance in the long term.