Student Research Reports
Human impact on the water quality of River Emajõgi
Organization(s):Estonian Learning Expedition
Student(s):Mattias Ilp
Romer Ojaveer
Mārtiņš Ozols
Heath Lindgren
Sāra Leimane
Maša Blažević
Jana Biškup
Sofia Vesselova
Franka Tomljanović
Petra Kubin
Roosi Ahas
Grade Level:Middle School (grades 6-8, ages 11-14)
GLOBE Educator(s):Agne Jõgis, Laura Altin, Johanna Raudsepp
Report Type(s):International Virtual Science Symposium Report
Protocols:Alkalinity, Conductivity, Dissolved Oxygen, Nitrates, pH, Water Temperature, Water Transparency
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Date Submitted:03/06/2024

Our report talks about our research topic, Human impact on the water quality of Emajõgi.
We chose this topic because when we were taking measurements we spotted a construction of
a nearby promenade and we wondered how this construction with all of its trash would affect
the water quality of Emajõgi. We took different measurements right next to the construction
and we took some measurements further down to the river. We thank the other hydrosphere
team for providing us with data from upstream, before the construction site. We did not find a
lot of papers on this topic so we could not compare our data to the other research papers but
we did in fact compare our data to the other hydrosphere team to get a fuller picture of the
extent of the impact the construction has on the water quality of Emajõgi.
Keywords: environmental problems, water quality, measurements