Student Research Reports
Land cover around Varemurru
Organization(s):Estonian Learning Expedition
Student(s):Liisa Loreena Värton, Evelina Blohhina, Akim Zavihhonov, Elerin Kinsiver, Tuuli Hommik, Kadri Kamja, Evelin Randva, Taniel Pedastsaar
Grade Level:Middle School (grades 6-8, ages 11-14)
GLOBE Educator(s):Imbi Henno
Contributors:Laura Altin, Johanna Raudsepp, Jarek Kurul
Report Type(s):International Virtual Science Symposium Report
Protocols:Biometry (including Tree Height)
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Date Submitted:03/06/2022
The aim of our study was to gain insight into how post-glacial land uplift and soil age affect vegetation diversity. In total, we did an outdoor investigation for a day on August 10th 2021 near the Varemurru Holiday Center.
We made different observations and identified the plants in two different measurement sites, where the area of both research sites was 1250 m2. It should be mentioned that the results were quite different and that surprised us all.
As a result, the vegetation in both places was quite similar. In addition, we found quite a few edible plants in the selected areas.