Student Research Reports
Organization(s):Estonian Learning Expedition
Student(s):Johannes-Aleksander, Raid, Henri Suur; Johanna Sõber; Lauri Pehlak; Isadora-Janett Turba; Polina Ivanova; Kirke Kond; Ilona Fjodorova; Nastja Polubinskaja
Grade Level:Secondary School (grades 9-12, ages 14-18)
GLOBE Educator(s):Vaike Rootsmaa
Contributors:Laura Altin, Johanna Raudsepp
Report Type(s):International Virtual Science Symposium Report
Protocols:Soil Characterization, Soil Moisture - Gravimetric, Soil Particle Density, Soil Particle Size Distribution, Soil pH, Soil Temperature
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Date Submitted:03/10/2022
Varemurru is located on the coastal area of Gulf of Livonia and soils have been affected by the closeness of the sea and the vegetation (plants). The aim of our study was to investigate soils around Varemurru, Pärnumaa and compare thes to the soil map of Estonian Land Board..
We asked three research questions:
● Is it possible to predict from places with different vegetation that soils will be different?
● How does flora affect the amount of soil?
● How does the soil affect vegetation?
We made 3 excavations and collected samples from them. We analyzed the samples, identified the MUC core for eacg site. Based on the results we made a conclusion that soil does affect vegetation. Soils differ a little from the soil map data.