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The impact of ecological factors on the quality of water

Country:Estonia, Estonia
Student(s):Reio Paring, Evelin Randva, Taaniel Pedastsaar, Sandro Kinsigo, Kaidi Piirisild
Grade Level:Middle School (grades 6-8, ages 11-14)
GLOBE Educator(s):Laura Altin, Aiki Jogeva
Contributors:Johanna Raudsepp Pavel Smirnov
Report Type(s):International Virtual Science Symposium Report
Protocols:Alkalinity, Conductivity, Nitrates, pH, Water Temperature, Water Transparency
Presentation Poster: View Document
Date Submitted:02/20/2021
Surface water bodies are a natural part of our landscapes. They are home to many aquatic animals and plants. They give water and food for many animals living on dry land and for people as well. All living beings are in close connection with their environment. As a result of human activity, nutrients and pollutants enter surface waters. Water quality influences the organisms and big changes can be dangerous to them. Based on the first data collected we asked the research question: How ecological factors influence the quality of water? In August 2020, five water bodies with six sites were studied. The water bodies were Lake Viljandi, the Raudna river, a pond at Sammuli holiday village, a beaver stream and a pond in the middle of a horse pasture. 6 sites were chosen and 5 slightly different sites were paired up for comparison. These were Lake Viljandi and Sammuli pond, Lake Viljandi and the Raudna river, Beaver stream and Beaver pond. The Horse pond was studied separately. Every pair of sampling sites was hypothesized to have at least one different ecological factor: temperature, nutrients, transparency, or dissolved oxygen. Samples were collected and water analyses were done according to GLOBE protocols.
