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Utjecaj sunčeve svjetlosti na žućenje i opadanje listova (The Influence of Sunlight on Leaf Paring and Decline) ecline)

Student(s):Mate Ćurić, Ante Ćorić, Tonkica Strmić
Grade Level:Secondary School (grades 9-12, ages 14-18)
GLOBE Educator(s):Ivanka Stipoljev
Report Type(s):Standard Research Report
Protocols:Green-Up / Green-Down
Date Submitted:01/27/2022
This project investigates the influence of sunlight in correlation with atmospheric factors on leaf paring and decline, synchronous senescence. The study was conducted on an ordinary fig (Ficus carica L.), with one part of the tree in direct sunlight. GLOBE protocols for atmosphere, surface temperature and green down were used. Green Down (Ficus carica) from Malta High School and Split High School of Economics were used to compare the results due to similar climatic impacts. Monitoring of leaf yellowing and surface temperature were performed on three branches in direct light and three branches in indirect light twice a week in the 9/17–12/2 2019 solar period. Research has shown that synchronous senescence is not the same for leaves in direct and indirect sunlight. For fig leaves in direct sunlight, it had started a month earlier. Direct sunlight and higher leaf surface temperatures accelerated breathing intensity, chlorophyll breakdown and leaf yellowing. Similar results are shown by green down Ficus carica Gozo College Middle School. Leaves in indirect sunlight were longer photosynthetically active due to the lower surface temperature of leaf tissue and had a slower green down. Similar results showed green down growing in indirect sunlight from the Split School.
