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An Assessment of Tree Attributes with Their Consequences and Impacts on a High School Campus

Organization(s):Crestwood High School
Student(s):Noor Abu-Rus and Zeina Jebara
Grade Level:Secondary School (grades 9-12, ages 14-18)
GLOBE Educator(s):Diana Rae Johns
Report Type(s):International Virtual Science Symposium Report
Protocols:Biometry (including Tree Height)
Presentation Poster: View Document
Date Submitted:04/10/2019
Trees are often one of the most prominent natural features in an urban environment. By measuring the heights and circumferences of trees, scientists are able to determine how factors such as carbon uptake and surface runoff are affected. This research attempted to answer the question of what tree species on our campus provide the greatest ecosystem services. Using GLOBE protocols, data was collected on the heights and circumference of eight trees on the Crestwood High School campus. Identification of each species was made using a field guide and verified by a professional. Data was entered in the GLOBE database and a U.S. Forest Service (USDA) i-Tree online program that quantifies the benefits and values of trees. Using i-Tree algorithms it was possible to determine the approximate amount of carbon dioxide taken in by each tree, the amount of stormwater runoff which has been avoided, potential energy savings to our high school building, and the amount of air pollution removed each year by the specific species of the measured trees. After analyzing the effects of the trees on the surrounding environment, it was determined that some species provide more ecosystem services than others and how much they contribute varies depending upon size and age. Where trees are planted in relationship to a school building also contributes to increased energy savings and increased comfort. We discovered that each tree species investigated sequesters carbon at different rates making some species more suitable as a way of offset anthropogenic carbon emissions. The data we collected and analyzed showed that the Honey Locust (Gleditsia triacanthos) did the best job of storing carbon.


Well organised work and well written.Good.
Okay.What is the reason you measure a tree twice?
Thank you so much for taking the time to review our research! We measured each tree twice because we used two different clinometers (one was a standard Suunto and the other was electronic). This allowed us to check our data for accuracy.
Well done, organised in very good way. Thanks.
My questions how is the distance between any tree and the buildings in the campus?
And what about the water stream crossing the campus is it crossing industrial or urban?
Thanks for the great questions! Tree distances from buildings were measured using GoogleEarth and GPS data. We discovered these are very important items to include when attempting to determine a trees potential impact on heating and cooling.