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Investigating Water Quality in the St. Francis Xavier Stream

Student(s):Molly Fleming, Sophia Willard, and Gabe Woods
Grade Level:Middle School (grades 6-8, ages 11-14)
GLOBE Educator(s):Amy Woods
Report Type(s):International Virtual Science Symposium Report, U.S. Student Research Symposia (SRS)
Protocols:Dissolved Oxygen, Water Temperature, Water Transparency
Presentation Video: View Video
Date Submitted:04/10/2019
The research question states: How does dissolved oxygen (D.O.), transparency, and temperature relate in the St. Francis Xavier Stream? The hypothesis states that when the transparency levels are lower the temperature will be higher because there are not as many particles to collect and scatter the light, therefor the water will be warmer because there is more light entering the water. Also, the D.O. levels will be lower because colder water dissolves more oxygen in the water, so if the water is warmer because of the transparency there will not be as much dissolved oxygen in the water. Water was collected from the stream on SFX property and tested either beside the stream or back in the classroom following GLOBE protocols. The data partially supports the hypothesis which states when the transparency levels are lower the temperature will be higher because there are not as many particles to collect and scatter the light, therefor the water will be warmer because there is more light entering the water. Also, the D.O. levels will be lower because colder water dissolves more oxygen in the water, so if the water is warmer because of the transparency there will not be as much dissolved oxygen in the water. Keywords: water, dissolved oxygen, temperature, transparency


You have a very good project. Keep it up.
Have you thought of conducting the experiment using various water samples from different sources? Maybe this might shed more light on the hypothesis you have developed.
Dear Dr. Ogunbiyi,

Thank you for reviewing our project and for your encouragement! On Tuesday, May 14, 2019 we are going to Strawberry Hill, Fairfield for our Trout release. While we are there, we will be taking water samples. Next year, we will also be able to take samples from other locations such as the Susquehanna River and eventually the Chesapeake Bay to help compare and get a better understanding water quality in different locations. Thank you again for your support!

Thank you!
Molly Fleming, Sophia Willard, and Gabe Woods