Engineering Projects - Boston University School of Education
Engineering Projects
Lightbox design for fast plants protocol
In response to classrooms needing a cheaper alternative to the various commercial options are available for a light box, we came up with our own design for a light box! Plans for sourcing materials for and assembling into a light box for growing fast plants are described here. The only tool required is a PVC pipe cutter (or a hacksaw). Once the pipes are cut to the indicated lengths, assembly of the box frame can be completed within 10 minutes.
Autonomous Weather Station Kit
We're very excited to share a WiFi solar powered weather station as a project for a high school-level engineering or science class or after-school club. This project was designed primarily as an instruction manual that describes all the sensors and components involved, where to buy each component, and how to assemble the station. The project is in its final stages and we're working to add the data output stream to the GLOBE database.
The project manual can be downloaded via the link below, and any questions can be directed to Prof Caleb Farny (
Mission Earth Weather Station Instructions_v2_Summ2019
Video tutorials on the project assembly:
Video 1: Introduction and overview, power management and buck/boost board preparation
Video 2: Board layout overview and BME280 board preparation
Video 3: Wire layouts for the board
Video 4: Board mounting and assembly
Video 5: LED on/off button overview
Video 6: Sensor connections to the assembled board
Video 7: Tripod mounting hardware, final assembly