Russanne Low (inactive) 8 Years Ago Claudia, this is a wonderful summary. Sometimes in science we get too fixated on the facts. I remember as a student I loved the story that science would tell- how one Earth science event would impact another part of the system- and how that affected another. This is a worthwhile reminder of how to engage students - and get the to tell their own stories! 0 Reply as... Cancel Claudia Cecilia Caro Vera Russanne Low 7 Years Ago Thank you very much Russane, that is true! facts touch personal lifes and we can start to develop science since people perspective and to support them, at the same time. 0 Reply as... Cancel
Claudia Cecilia Caro Vera Russanne Low 7 Years Ago Thank you very much Russane, that is true! facts touch personal lifes and we can start to develop science since people perspective and to support them, at the same time. 0 Reply as... Cancel