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Category Archives: Data included
GLOBE’s long history – what can you learn from GLOBE’s long-term data?
GLOBE celebrated its 18th birthday on Earth Day, 22 April 2013. This means that, in some cases, you can look at nearly 18 years of data collected through the years by GLOBE students. One school, Zakladni Skola – Ekolog. Praktikum … Continue reading
Relating Air Temperature to Surface Temperature
As Dr. C wrote during his Surface Temperature Field Campaign, the weather in mid-December was cold in many parts of the United States. At our house here in Boulder, Colorado (Figure 1), this morning’s minimum temperature was -21 degrees Celsius. … Continue reading
Measuring Rain
For years, I have been measuring the rain in our back yard using a standard rain gauge similar to the ones used by the U.S. National Weather Service (Figure 1). Like the gauge used by GLOBE students, rain goes through … Continue reading
Carbon Dioxide, Part 2: Walk, Drive a Car, or Ride a Bike?
The blog about carbon dioxide (CO2) produced by our bodies during respiration created so much discussion that I decided to work harder to put the numbers into context. Last time, we calculated an average adult human breathes out between 0.7 … Continue reading
Posted in Atmosphere, Carbon, Climate Change, Data included, Earth as a System
Release of carbon dioxide by individual humans
This blog was inspired by activities at the 2008 GLOBE Learning Expedition (GLE) in South Africa. As part of their field activities, the students visited the Global Atmosphere Watch station (GAWS) at Cape Point, where carbon dioxide and several other … Continue reading
Posted in Atmosphere, Carbon, Climate Change, Data included, Earth as a System