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Category Archives: GLOBE Protocols
Measuring rainfall – it’s easy and difficult at the same time
This week we welcome long-time friend of GLOBE, Dr. Peggy LeMone, Chief Scientist for the GLOBE Program from 2003-2009, as our guest blogger. Dr. LeMone is currently working in the field of weather and cloud formation at the National Center … Continue reading
Posted in Atmosphere, Backyard Science, North America
The transition seasons – why measurements now are very important
The seasons of spring and autumn are seasons of transition in the mid-latitudes – they hold onto memories of the season before while providing glimpses of the season to come. Recently, the Northern Hemisphere transitioned into meteorological fall, including the months … Continue reading
Plankton: a small, but important, player in life on Earth
This week’s blog post comes to us from Dr. Janis Steele and Dr. Brooks McCutchen. Drs. Steele and McCutchen, along with their three sons, have been aboard Research Vessel Llyr since April 24, 2013. Read about their adventure in the … Continue reading
Wading and migratory birds overflow study in the Kingdom of Bahrain
This week’s blog comes to us from Ms. Wafa Bin Daynna, the Country Coordinator for the Kingdom of Bahrain. In this post she explains a new collaborative project occurring in the Kingdom of Bahrain exploring migratory birds throughout the country. … Continue reading
Exploring the Intertropical Convergence Zone
This week we have a guest post from Janis Steele, PhD and Brooks McCutchen, PhD. They own and operate Berkshire Sweet Gold Maple and Marine, an agroforestry and ocean-going enterprise concerned with sustainable livelihoods and the preservation of wild and perennial … Continue reading