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Category Archives: Land Cover
Trees in trouble: what affect does tree mortality have on climate change
Through our trees in trouble series, we’ve examined trees in the Sahel zone in Africa and the United States. This problem, climate change and dying trees, has been seen on every continent, the only exception being Antarctica, due to the … Continue reading
Posted in Atmosphere, Climate, Climate Change, Earth System Science, Land Cover
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Cloud forests and how trees get water
Most trees obtain water through their massive root systems, but did you know that some trees can absorb water through their leaves as well? This ability is called foliar uptake. Scientists recently discovered that trees in cloud forests use foliar … Continue reading
Posted in Earth as a System, Land Cover
Trees in Trouble: What happens after the pine trees die?
This week’s blogger is Emily Robitschek, a proud graduate of Arvada West High School near Denver, Colorado. In this post she reports about her research project that she conducted while she worked in the GLOBE Program Office in the summer … Continue reading
Posted in Climate, General Science, Land Cover
Trees are in Trouble: Climate Change and Dying Trees
Communities in the Sahel region of Africa depend on trees for firewood, food, building materials, and even medicine. Anecdotal observations in this savannah climate, a transition region to the south of the Sahara Desert, have suggested the number of trees … Continue reading
Posted in Climate Change, Land Cover
Relating Air Temperature to Surface Temperature
As Dr. C wrote during his Surface Temperature Field Campaign, the weather in mid-December was cold in many parts of the United States. At our house here in Boulder, Colorado (Figure 1), this morning’s minimum temperature was -21 degrees Celsius. … Continue reading