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Category Archives: Great Global Investigation of Climate
GLOBE’s long history – what can you learn from GLOBE’s long-term data?
GLOBE celebrated its 18th birthday on Earth Day, 22 April 2013. This means that, in some cases, you can look at nearly 18 years of data collected through the years by GLOBE students. One school, Zakladni Skola – Ekolog. Praktikum … Continue reading
Exploring the Intertropical Convergence Zone
This week we have a guest post from Janis Steele, PhD and Brooks McCutchen, PhD. They own and operate Berkshire Sweet Gold Maple and Marine, an agroforestry and ocean-going enterprise concerned with sustainable livelihoods and the preservation of wild and perennial … Continue reading
Connecting pollutants and air temperature in the Maldives
With climate change, there are many relationships that are understood, and many others that are not. Dr. Veerabhadran Ramanathan from The Scripps Institute in San Diego has spent the last fifteen years in the Maldives, a nation south of India that … Continue reading