Category Archives: General Science

Hummingbird populations – How GLOBE students can help

GLOBE’s Earth as a System investigation area cultivates students’ awareness of an intricate web of global connections. Similar to real world scientists, students explore life science concepts, learning that “organisms can only survive where their needs are met.”  The Earth … Continue reading

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The common thread between science and art: creativity

When you examine a seashell, a crystal, the skin of a snake or the wings of a butterfly, what do you think about?  Art?  Science? Or the obvious connection between the two?  At the fall meeting of the American Geophysical Union … Continue reading

Posted in Conferences/Meetings, General Science | 2 Comments

The 2012 GLOBE Surface Temperature Campaign

The month of December features the Surface Temperature Field Campaign.  To recognize this exciting event, we are featuring Dr. Kevin Czajkowski, the scientist behind the campaign.  This post is a repost from his blog. The GLOBE surface temperature field campaign … Continue reading

Posted in Air Temperature, General Science | Leave a comment

GLOBE and adaptation to climate change

This week we have a guest blogger, Dr. Dixon Butler. Dr. Butler was the GLOBE Chief Scientist from 1996-2003 and now works as a consultant to NASA. One of the most significant technology improvements in modern life is our ability … Continue reading

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ESNO Basics: What is it?

Through many posts here on the Scientists’ Blog, we, in one way or another, discuss ENSO.  ENSO, or El Niño-Southern Oscillation, is a quasi-periodic climate pattern that occurs in the tropical Pacific Ocean.  When the conditions change, the atmosphere responds … Continue reading

Posted in Climate, Climate Change, Earth System Science, General Science | 1 Comment