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Category Archives: General Science
From drought to flood down under: Part III-Coping with the extremes
This week’s blogger is Neil Cliffe, from Agri-Science Queensland. Neil is the manager of the Climate Risk and Adaptation Project in Queensland, Australia. This blog post is part of a series on the extreme climate shifts that have been occurring … Continue reading
Posted in General Science
Thai Coral Reef and Climate Change
This week our blog is from Dr. Krisanadej Jaroensutasinee and Dr. Mullica Jaroensutasinee from the Centre of Excellence for Ecoinformatics at Walailak University in Thailand. The research they are presenting in this blog is also done with Sirilak Chumkiew, Premrudee … Continue reading
Posted in Climate, Climate Change, General Science, SCUBAnauts
Trees in Trouble: What happens after the pine trees die?
This week’s blogger is Emily Robitschek, a proud graduate of Arvada West High School near Denver, Colorado. In this post she reports about her research project that she conducted while she worked in the GLOBE Program Office in the summer … Continue reading
Posted in Climate, General Science, Land Cover
Scientist Skills: Surprises in Science
Sometimes, part of being a scientist is dealing with the unexpected. During research projects, scientists might get very surprising results. Or, something might happen to completely change the scope of the project. This is exactly what happened to a group … Continue reading
Posted in Earth System Science, General Science, Scientists
Changing climate in Near East North Africa – potential problems
When it comes to climate, each GLOBE region is faced with its own unique problems. We’ve taken a look at different regions and their problems, such as trees in trouble in North America as well as the Sahel region of … Continue reading
Posted in General Science, Near East and North Africa