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Category Archives: Watersheds
I like puddles, and I have become more interested in them lately. Why? On 29 May 2002, we took observations of the heating and moistening of the lower atmosphere using an aircraft and surface sites observations in the Oklahoma Panhandle … Continue reading
We live on the south side of the street; the sidewalk is to the north of our house. We shovel the walks for the woman who lives on the north side of the street. We noticed that we could easily … Continue reading
Posted in Atmosphere, Backyard Science, Hydrology, Watersheds
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Snow day!!!
The snow here at the GLOBE Program Office was so heavy we were told to go home. It was a “snow day”! I love snow days because they free you from your normal work or school. You can make new … Continue reading
Posted in Atmosphere, Backyard Science, Watersheds