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Author Archives: wordpressadmin
Global Climate Change – New Deal Met in Durban, South Africa
In December 2009, Dr. Donna Charlevoix, of the GLOBE Program Office, attended the COP-15 (15th meeting of the Conference of Parties) meeting in Copenhagen, Denmark. Dr. Charlevoix gave a great summary of the meetings in five separate blog posts that … Continue reading
Posted in General Science, Scientists
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Porpoises in the San Francisco Bay – an example of how a small change can have big results!
Sometimes in a rapidly changing world, it is difficult to see the effects that small changes in human lifestyle can have on not only climate, but on ecosystems. Various countries and international organizations are working to pass legislation to ensure … Continue reading
Posted in Backyard Science, General Science, GLOBE Protocols, Hydrology
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New report from the UK: Tree fruit ripening earlier. What does this mean and how does it tie to GLOBE?
A few weeks ago, the British Broadcasting Company (BBC) wrote about a report claiming that some of the fruit from native trees in Britain are ripening anywhere from 13 to 18 days earlier than they did a decade ago. The report … Continue reading
Thai flooding
2011 has been an interesting year in regards to rainfall for the GLOBE country of Thailand, as both the north and south portions of the country have seen significant flooding. Let’s take a look at Bangkok, the capital city of … Continue reading
Posted in Backyard Science
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NOAA – State of the Climate: A look at Near East-North Africa
This week we’ll finish our look at the climate summaries for each GLOBE region with a focus on the Near East-North Africa region. Remember that these annual reports provide a summary of the global climatic conditions and are a great … Continue reading
Posted in Climate, Climate Change, Earth System Science
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