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Category Archives: Carbon
Land Use and Carbon Dioxide
Recently, I posted the Hawaii record that showed that carbon dioxide has been increasing for the last several decades. To make the plot consistent with the global temperature plot, I showed only annual averages. Now, I show a copy of … Continue reading
Posted in Carbon, Earth System Science, Land Cover
Climate Change 4. Carbon Dioxide Changes
(Note: We discuss carbon dioxide because it contributes to slightly over half of current greenhouse warming, but we must remember that methane, CFCs, ozone, and nitrous oxide together account with slightly less than half). When I was a graduate student … Continue reading
Posted in Atmosphere, Carbon, Climate Change, Earth System Science
Climate Change Part 3. The gases in air
The gases in the air important to climate change are called “greenhouse gases.” To understand what a greenhouse gas does, you first have to understand a little about radiation. Not the science-fiction stuff that changes cockroaches into giant monsters that … Continue reading
Posted in Atmosphere, Carbon, Climate Change, Earth System Science