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Category Archives: Earth System Science
NOAA – State of the Climate: A look at Europe-Eurasia
This week we’ll continue our look at the climate summaries for each GLOBE region, with a focus on the Europe-Eurasia region. Recall that these annual reports provide a summary of the global climatic conditions and are a great benchmark for … Continue reading
NOAA – State of the Climate: A look at Asia-Pacific
This week we’ll continue our look at the climate summaries for each GLOBE region, with a focus on the Asia-Pacific region. Recall that these annual reports provide a summary of the global climatic conditions and are a great benchmark for … Continue reading
NOAA – State of the Climate: A look at Africa
In a recent blog post, we shared with you the NOAA State of the Climate report for 2010. These annual reports provide a summary of the global climatic conditions and are a great benchmark for monitoring climate. Along with the … Continue reading
NOAA – State of the Climate: The importance of data
Recently NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) released the 2010 State of the Climate. The State of the Climate is an annual report that summarizes the climate conditions around the world over the time period of a calendar year. All … Continue reading
Posted in Climate, Climate Change, Earth System Science, Field Campaigns
The Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill as seen from Satellite
By Dr. Charles Ichoku, NASA Scientist for GLOBE Student Research Campaign on Climate The recent oil slick in the Gulf of Mexico is an example of a large environmental event that can have multiple ramifications. The oil slick resulted from … Continue reading
Posted in Earth System Science, General Science, Scientists
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