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Category Archives: General Science
The most important step in science: Communicating your results!
I remember in high school that I liked science and math much more than my grammar and literature classes. I recall thinking that if I pursued a career in science, I wouldn’t have to worry about reading and writing and … Continue reading
Posted in General Science
Weather vs. Climate Analogies: Lessons learned from a student-driven climate change video project
This week we have a guest blogger, Margi Dashevsky. Margi currently serves as the Co-Director of the Latin American Center for Arts Science and Education (CLACE). She has a passion for sharing her love of learning with others and has … Continue reading
Posted in General Science
A new location for mosquito research: Europe
Students from countries in the Tropics, from Thailand, Madagascar and Benin, to the United States have looked at mosquitoes and their connection to climate change. GLOBE International Scientist Network members Dr. Krisanadej Jaroensutasinee and Dr. Mullica Jaroensutasinee presented their research on mosquitoes … Continue reading
Posted in Atmosphere, Europe and Eurasia, General Science
From Lake Superior to the Mississippi River – a renewed commitment to fresh water
This week we are beginning our Full Length Mississippi series, and we will team back up with Mike Link and Kate Crowley. Link and Crowley highlighted pieces of their Full Circle Superior journey with the GLOBE Scientists’ Blog last year … Continue reading
Posted in General Science, Hydrology, Watersheds
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Connecting pollutants and air temperature in the Maldives
With climate change, there are many relationships that are understood, and many others that are not. Dr. Veerabhadran Ramanathan from The Scripps Institute in San Diego has spent the last fifteen years in the Maldives, a nation south of India that … Continue reading