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Category Archives: Earth as a System
Exotic Plant Invasion Part II: Origin and History of Tree-of-heaven in the US and Japan and initial research results
This week, Dr. Rico Gazal continues his discussion of Tree-of-heaven and provides initial research results. Tree-of-heaven (Ailanthus altissima) is spreading widely throughout West Virginia and threatening the native forest ecosystems in Appalachia. This invasive plant was introduced to the United States from … Continue reading
New report from the UK: Tree fruit ripening earlier. What does this mean and how does it tie to GLOBE?
A few weeks ago, the British Broadcasting Company (BBC) wrote about a report claiming that some of the fruit from native trees in Britain are ripening anywhere from 13 to 18 days earlier than they did a decade ago. The report … Continue reading
Volcanic Eruptions and Cooling of the Planet
By Dr. Charles Kironji Gatebe, NASA Scientist for GLOBE Student Research Campaign on Climate The recent volcanic eruption in Iceland marked by the spectacular “curtain-of-fire” and near-complete shut-down of air travel in Europe in mid-April will probably earn a place … Continue reading
On 7 December, when I wrote the blog below, we were experiencing a warm wind called a “Chinook” here in Boulder, Colorado. I wanted to wait until after the surface temperature field campaign to post this. It seems appropriate to … Continue reading
Dr. C.’s GLOBE Surface Temperature blog 12-16-08
By taking your measurements for Dr. C., you are participating in science. Lots of scientists take measurements of different kinds to test new ideas, or to figure out how to measure things in new ways, like, for example, using a … Continue reading